Prerja me laser
Prerja me laser, një teknologji inovative dhe transformuese, ka revolucionarizuar botën e dizajnit dhe prodhimit. Me rrezet e saj precize dhe të kontrolluara të dritës, prerja me laser mundëson krijimin e modeleve komplekse dhe detajeve delikate.

Cnc Punching
With precise movements and powerful punches, CNC punching machines effortlessly transform raw materials into intricate and precise components. From creating perforated patterns to forming complex shapes, CNC punching offers limitless possibilities

Press Brake Bending
We have multiple bending presses, which enables us to produce a large quantity of standardized parts and to offer quick turn around time for our clients. We can bend complicated shapes, different material thicknesses and types.

With a wide range of techniques and methods such as arc welding, MIG welding, and TIG welding, skilled welders bring forth the artistry of metal fusion

Electrostatic Painting
Electrostatic Painting is the longest lasting, and most color-durable quality finishes available on virtually any type of metal.

Quality Control
With skilled hands and great attention to detail, assemblers transform individual parts into cohesive products or structures.